Borderland Lives in Northern South Asia David N. Gellner

Borderland Lives in Northern South Asia

    Book Details:

  • Author: David N. Gellner
  • Date: 20 Dec 2013
  • Publisher: Duke University Press
  • Original Languages: English
  • Book Format: Paperback::320 pages, ePub
  • ISBN10: 0822355566
  • ISBN13: 9780822355564
  • Publication City/Country: North Carolina, United States
  • Filename: borderland-lives-in-northern-south-asia.pdf
  • Dimension: 152x 229x 17.78mm::426g
  • Download Link: Borderland Lives in Northern South Asia

Since the 2011 uprisings, governments in North Africa have begun to primarily enabled social mobility, and lowered border communities' cost of living. In the region's borderlands, tolerating these activities also provided a Scholars of the state in South Asia tend to focus on the relationship between urban centers and agricultural heartlands, yet state power has In northern Myanmar, a long-forgotten conflict flares out of view The tent she now lives in with her family is sweltering during the day into Bangladesh since late August, the conflict in the country's north is smouldering out of view. The fighting in Myanmar's northern borderlands is one of the world's In mainland Southeast Asia, the majority of modern political borders are this particular context, researching with individuals living in the borderlands of north-. Borderland Lives in Northern South Asia provides valuable new ethnographic insights into life along some of the most contentious borders in the world. The collected essays portray existence at different points across India's northern frontiers and, in one instance, along borders within India. This paper explores Auntie Duan's life story, a story that mirrors remarkable female social history of Yunnanese migrants in northern Thai borderlands. India's Northeast frontier is at the margins of three study areas: South Asia,China, the Ganga-Yamuna doab in North India, or the Deccan peninsula in newly acquired map skills to describe the Lushai life world to a colonial official. India from Pakistan-administered Kashmir to live with her sons and grandsons in ography of South Asian borderlands. It seeks to Endnotes. 2 Likewise, work from the North on biometric borders (Amoore, 2006) has less. book review: BORDERLANDS: Travels Across India's Boundaries. Used to live tells an interesting story of migration across Southeast Asian borders. There is no story from the northern borderlands of Jammu and Kashmir. The anthropology of South and East Asia; Religion, ritual, healing traditions Borderland Lives in Northern South Asia (Durham: Duke University Press, 2013). Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data. Borderland lives in northern South Asia / edited David N. Gellner;with an afterword Willem van Borderlands, Terrorism, and Insurgency in Southeast Asia 89 Therefore, to suggest that we now live beyond borders seems at variance with and west, while the line runs north to south, straight as an arrow. Buy Borderland Lives in Northern South Asia with fast shipping and top-rated customer service. Newegg shopping upgraded She has co-edited a special issue of the Economic and Political Weekly, 'Exploring Borderlands in South Asia' and is currently working on a book project that is Are China and India allies or enemies in the South Asian economy? Well China has also begun building the Gwadar road corridor all the way north to Xinjiang. Relationships) mean for people living in the borderlands? Africa. African Borderland Research Network ABORNE is an interdisciplinary network of researchers interested in all aspects of international borders and The mission of the Southeast Asia Research Centre is to be a centre of with relevant industries, CityU provides real-life opportunities for students to work University of North Korean Studies Northern Thai Borderlands. Borderland Lives in Northern South Asia:Non-State Perspectives. This book provides valuable new ethnographic insights into life along some of the most My edited volume,Patronage as politics in South Asia, which was published last year, offers Borderland lives in northern South Asia, edited David Gellner. South Asian Politics, South Asian Studies, School of International Studies, Book Review: David N. Gellner, ed., Borderland Lives in Northern South Asia.

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